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Aneke Theresia

Malaria treatment depends on the clinical degree of the disease and can cause death if not treated appropriately. This study looks at factors associated with the clinical degree of malaria in elimination areas in Indonesia. The research design used a cross-sectional quantitative study of secondary data from the Malaria Surveillance Information System (Sismal) application in 2023 in all 9435 elimination districts in Indonesia. Analysis was conducted on each variable to see the frequency distribution and percentage of each variable. Data was processed with the SPSS program. Multivariate analysis showed that anemia (p=0.000; OR=11.748; CI 95% =7.833-17.620) and treatment status (p=0.000; OR=8.554; CI 95% =5.694-12.851) had p<0.05. It can be concluded that anemia and treatment status are significantly associated with the clinical degree of malaria. In elimination areas, because cases are rare, training is needed for health workers to provide appropriate and rapid diagnosis and treatment so that no infection or recurrence causes severe anemia and death. Many factors affect the clinical degree of malaria. However, the variables employed are constrained, necessitating further investigation into a comprehensive array of factors influencing the clinical severity of malaria.

Keywords: Faktor Risiko Daerah Eliminasi Malaria Derajat klinis Malaria
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