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Fariza Suhaila
Muhammad Jalaludin Assuyuthi Chalil
Andri Yunafri
Abdul Gafar Parinduri

Profile of nutritional status and eating behavior of doctors in their work To determine the description of acute post-operative pain management in patients undergoing elective surgery at RSU Haji Medan. This research is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional research design on elective post-operative patients. In this study, the number of respondents who participated was 66 people, with the largest gender being 37 people (56.1%), the average age was 40 years, and the majority of respondents were Javanese, namely 25 people (37.9%) . The highest preoperative pain intensity was moderate pain, amounting to 41 people (62.1%). The majority of pain intensity in the first 8 hours after surgery was moderate pain, in the second 8 hours the majority was mild pain and in the third 8 hours the majority was no pain. The majority of post-operative analgesic regimens use a combination of intravenous injection of ketorolac 30 mg and paracetamol 1 gram per 8 hours. The majority of the side effects felt by respondents after surgery were nausea.

Keywords: nyeri akut pasca operasi intensitas nyeri rejimen analgetik